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Work Packages

WP1 will first analyse and specify the requirements that will inform the development of the TELEMETRY solutions grounded in exemplar real-world IoT ecosystems and specify three use cases in the aerospace, manufacturing and telecommunications domains provides a broad context for iterative development of the TELEMETRY tools, methodology and frameworks. From this, an initial TELEMETRY toolkit architecture will be proposed, which will be refined in WP4. Secondly, this WP will define how to perform the evaluation of the tools in the different use case contexts, including the definition of key performance indicators (KPIs). Lessons learned will feed back into subsequent cycles and evaluation results will inform best practice for testing and verification of IoT ecosystems. This will take into consideration the identification of the devices under test and setting up the testing environment that will be used to run the test list. Execution of the test list, collection of results and evidence, data analysis and interpretation, production of the final reports.

Firstly this WP will undertake a detailed analysis of existing knowledge to identify the most appropriate metrics and indicators that are representative of the use case contexts associated with device, software & systemic vulnerabilities for IoT ecosystems. Secondly it will extend existing risk assessment approaches to enable a systemic risk assessment considering complex interactions between components that form IoT ecosystems and provide tools and knowledge to enable risk management at both design time and runtime and inform mitigation strategies. Finally it will provide a trusted and secure mechanism to exchange testing, verification and security-related information while maintaining data sovereignty and privacy.
WP3 will provide stakeholders with the means to securely develop, integrate and operate devices. This will be done by creating specialist tools leveraging ML approaches covering component, device service and system level monitoring, testing and secure updating of IoT ecosystems. Tools will utilise indicators from WP2 and address the requirements and use cases from WP1. The tools can be used independently, or can be integrated with each other, specifically their outputs providing input into risk management in WP2. The tools will be integrated in the toolbox developed in WP4.
Determine methodologies for cybersecurity testing integrating at runtime as well as design-time methods for static analysis within the heterogeneous, multi-actor context of IoT ecosystems including mechanisms for certification in realistic testing environments. Provide integration of the tools & techniques developed in WP2 and WP3, including a secure deployment strategy of the TELEMETRY solution.
WP5 aims at engaging with key stakeholders, disseminating the project results and achieving sustainable impact via exploitation. TELEMETRY will carry out large-scale dissemination and communication activities, online and offline to create awareness of the project towards the scientific, IoT industry stakeholders and cybersecurity experts and engage them in project activities such as consultations, demonstrations or user trials. This work package aims also to pave the way for the successful exploitation of the technologies and knowledge generated in the course of the project through the definition of an exploitation plan, including dedicated business models and appropriate IPR management plans, standardisation, and realization of synergies amongst the project members.

WP6 will coordinate and manage the project according to the established management structure and decision-making mechanisms, this includes i)To guarantee the appropriate execution of all tasks; ii)To establish a liaison with the EC for reporting and financial administration; iii) To develop and update the Data Management Plan; iv) To regularly monitor & update the risk assessment to ensure success in the execution of the work plan.