- WP1: Requirements, Use Cases and Evaluation
WP1 will first analyse and specify the requirements that will inform the development of the TELEMETRY solutions grounded in exemplar real-world IoT ecosystems and specify three use cases in the aerospace, manufacturing and telecommunications domains provides a broad context for iterative development of the TELEMETRY tools, methodology and frameworks. From this, an initial TELEMETRY toolkit architecture will be proposed, which will be refined in WP4. Secondly, this WP will define how to perform the evaluation of the tools in the different use case contexts, including the definition of key performance indicators (KPIs). Lessons learned will feed back into subsequent cycles and evaluation results will inform best practice for testing and verification of IoT ecosystems. This will take into consideration the identification of the devices under test and setting up the testing environment that will be used to run the test list. Execution of the test list, collection of results and evidence, data analysis and interpretation, production of the final reports.
- WP2 – Vulnerability Indicators, Knowledge Management & Risk Analysis
- WP3 – Tooling for Testing, Monitoring and Update of Components & Systems
- WP4 – Holistic Methodology Determination & Toolkit Integration
- WP5 – Dissemination, Exploitation and Outreach
- WP6 – Project Management
WP6 will coordinate and manage the project according to the established management structure and decision-making mechanisms, this includes i)To guarantee the appropriate execution of all tasks; ii)To establish a liaison with the EC for reporting and financial administration; iii) To develop and update the Data Management Plan; iv) To regularly monitor & update the risk assessment to ensure success in the execution of the work plan.